A site to remind us of the good things in life!

Inspirational Quotes

All sources consulted are listed in the Bibliography page.  Enjoy!

“If I am at peace with my heart, I am at peace everywhere. My surroundings will test my heart at unpredictable times, but I will try my best  not to lose control and be at peace with my heart.” – Kit, student in the T.P.E. program

“I chose to post this because Kit is an amazing soul and I’ve watched him grow.  I have noticed that he’s made a lot of progress since I met him.  I know he is a Buddhist, and I’m even more curious to learn about his faith and how it has to do with spirituality.  I interpreted this as his saying you can’t always be in internal and external conflict, or constantly living your life in fear and anxiety.   Furthermore, angst is not healthy, so you have to have peace of mind and heart in order for personal growth, and also to keep your emotions in check and not react impulsively.” – Franco, T.P.E.


This is a quote from the Dalai Lama, set on a green background and containing a bird.  "Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace."

“I read this as not letting others influence the way you think of yourself as well.  Sometimes, if people act standoffish towards you, it may have nothing to do with you.  You shouldn’t let the actions of others impact on how you feel about yourself, and interfere with the rest of your day.  In a sense, that’s being self-centred, and people say that it’s really none of your business what people think about you.  You have to practice self-talk by saying, “This person is having a rough day.  It has nothing to do with me.”, and most of the time, it actually doesn’t.  If you constantly wonder what people think of you, you’ll never have peace of mind.”  – Franco, T.P.E.   (https://www.facebook.com/TaintedButterfly)


This is a quote from the Vane of Thoughts website, "All trials are not the reason to give up but a challenge to improve ourselves.  Our pain is not an excuse to back out, but an inspiration to move on."

“They say that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.  There are times in our lives that we all struggled and made decisions that we regret and can’t take back.  The only thing we can do is move forward and learn from our mistakes.  Furthermore, pain is inevitable.  It’s how we handle our pain that really defines us and enriches us.”  – Franco, T.P.E.  (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vane-Of-Thoughts/315454708516163)


The following was found under Inspirational Quotes in Google.ca linked to www.rishikajain.com ; it is an important reminder of behaviours and attitudes we can take to keep ourselves grounded in positivity. People can use these statements/mantras to change their negative thinking into optimism. Used in the mornings to get set for the day-Chantal T.P.E

This is an inspiration to think positively.  Say to yourself every morning: today is going to be a great day.  I can handle more than I think I can.  Things don't get better by worrying about them.  I can be satisfied if I try to do my best.  There is always something to be happy about.  I'm going to make someone happy today.  It is not good to be down.  Life is great; Make the most of it.  BE AN OPTIMIST!

“If you don’t follow this mantra every day, you’re setting yourself up for failure.  If you think positively, you’ll attract that karma.  It was recommended to me that I buy a journal and write something down that I’m grateful for each day.”- Franco, T.P.E.


A colourful rainbow text about positivity: "Positive thoughts generate positive feelings and attract positive life experiences."

“This is exactly what our site is about: POSITIVITY.  If we don’t think positively, nothing good can come from anything in life.  Though we live in a world that is uncertain, we must remain optimistic and hopeful that there is light at the end of the tunnel.  We can learn from the mistakes we better, and make bad situations better.”  – Franco, T.P.E.  (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Positive-Thoughts/317748351580348)


A grey background with a beach and water washed up ashore: "H.O.P.E. Hold on, pain ends."

“All pain ends, eventually.  It’s how we choose to deal with the pain, that makes us stronger and more resilient.  Pain is inevitable, but you need to hold on to your faith to get through strife.”- Franco, T.P.E.  (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Positive-Thoughts/317748351580348)


A beautiful beach background, H. Jackson Brown, Jr. says: "Never underestimate your power to change yourself.  Never overestimate your power to change others."

“I took this to mean you don’t have control over others.  You only have control over others.  You can’t constantly look over your shoulder and you can’t always be worried about what others think of you.  You need to take control of your own life and be responsible for the decisions you make.  I know it’s never easy.  There are skillful ways you can tolerate distress of this nature, by breathing deeply and telling yourself you can make it on your own, and not let others who wish to do you harm control your life, your thoughts, and your decisions.  Don’t let others have power over you, because then, they win.”  – Franco, T.P.E.  (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Positive-Thoughts/317748351580348)


A black background bearing the words: "Your job is not to judge.  Your job is not to figure out if someone deserves something.  Your job is to lift the fallen, to restore the broken, and to heal the hurting."

 “This is the goal we hope to have reached with this site.  We, as human beings, have to have the good will of reaching out to someone in despair to lend a helping hand, and have an open heart.  So often, we see someone on the streets and we just ignore them.  That person may have had a family, a job, and a reason to get up in the morning.  In a heartbeat, that may have vanished.  It is not our job to judge, but it is our job to understand, and have decency and a moral obligation to the less fortunate.”- Franco, T.P.E.  (https://www.facebook.com/SpiritScienceAndMetaphysics)



A background of a blue sky with birds in the sky by an unknown author: "Learn to love without condition.  Talk without bad intention.  Give without any reason.  And most of all, care for people without any expectation."

“It is important to love unconditionally, and without expecting anything in return.  Often, we expect that the good things we do for others will come with strings.  It shouldn’t be thrown in our face during an argument.  Sometimes, we do favours for each other that we don’t necessarily want to do, but we do it with the kindness of our hearts.  The love we have for someone triumphs over our own selfish desires.  Love is not a reward.” – Franco, T.P.E.  ( https://www.facebook.com/SpiritScienceAndMetaphysics)



Kurt Vonnegut states: "Go into the arts.  I'm not kidding.  The arts are not a way to make a living.  They are a very human way of making life more bearable.  Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven's sake.  Sing in the shower.  Dance to the radio.  Tell stories.  Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem.  Do it as well as you can possibly can.  You will get an enormous reward.  You will have created something."

This really impacted me and it gave me the push I needed to pursue my dreams after I’m done this program.  I’m absolutely in love with the written word.  I took a Personal Narrative course last semester, and it had a profound effect on me.  I came alive.  My passion for writing was re-ignited.  I felt beautiful.  I felt worthy.  Most of all, I came ALIVE.  I realized that I must follow my heart and to do what I love.  – Franco, T.P.E.  (From http://bobbiblogger.wordpress.com/2011/11/02/kurt-vonnegut-go-into-the-arts/)



If we give up, it not only hurts ourselves, but the world around us that is why we must persevere.  Love unconditionally!!!  – Jesse, T.P.E.


To have a future, we need to take care of one another! –  Jesse, T.P.E.


“We will match your capacity to inflict suffering with our capacity to endure suffering”  Martin Luther King

“I chose this part of Martin Luther King’s inspirational speech because I believe that this is an important step in stopping abuse. We must push forward, but it has to be peacefully or nothing will change but the way we are abused, every prophet since the beginning of time, said the same thing, Jesus, Ghandi, Lennon, Mandela etc…” – Jesse, T.P.E.

Just a reminder to everyone that they are special and to feel positive about themselves-Every person alive is a unique individual and has a gift to offer the world. We have to let our inner light shine and also celebrate the beauty in all around us.  Quote found under Inspiration Quotes in Google.Ca Search linked to theradiantsunshine.wordpress.com-Chantal, T.P.E.

A blurb hanging on a clothesline with a strawberry clothespin: "You are amazing and don't you forget that."


People may need some direction in how to be happy so I posted the following found on Inspiration Quotes under Google.ca search which linked to life-inspirational-quotes.tumblr.com. When we tune in to the intuitive side of life, rather than the analytical we will fid more happiness along with being less selfish.  Also, opening to love instead of our analytical nature is a key to a happy heart. Enjoy the message here-Chantal, T.P.E.

The colours of the rainbow encompass this image to describe the 7 steps of happiness: "Think less, feel more.  Frown less, smile more.  Talk less, listen more.  Judge less, accept more.  Watch less, do more.  Complain less, appreciate more.  Fear less, love more."

Comments on: "Inspirational Quotes" (2)

  1. “Though thou hast ever so many counselors, yet do not forsake the counsel of your own soul.” John Ray

  2. quotes are uplifting! can put them to use

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